CITES Sharks and Rays - Implementing and Enforcing Listings: Volume III - Dried Product ID
Rima W. Jabado; D. L. Abercrombie
This guide forms part of a three-volume series of identification guides: Volume I - Full Carcas ID, Volume II - Processed Carcass ID, and Volume III - Dried Product ID [this guide]. Each of these guides has been designed to follow a similar simple structure to guide users with no previous knowledge of sharks and rays with identification of whole carcasses or different derivative products. This Dried Product ID guide was created to enable wildlife inspectors and enforcement personnel to provisionally identify fins, rostra, and gill plates derived from commercially traded shark and ray species listed in Appendix I and II of CITES. This identification is based on morphological characteristics of their most distinctive fins (dorsal, pectoral and/or caudal), dried rostra (family Pristidae, sawfishes), and gill plates in their commonly traded form (frozen and/or dried and unprocessed). This preliminary visual identification will establish reasonable or probable cause in enforcement contexts so that expert opinion can be sought, or genetic testing can confirm field identification. This will aid governments in successfully implementing and enforcing CITES listings and promoting legal, sustainable trade.
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