Identifying sharks from their fins
Rima W. Jabado; Alexandra Z.A. Morata
This document provides information on three of these proposals, namely the family Carcharhinidae, Sphyrnidae, and Rhinobatidae. Proposal 39 on species from family Potamotrygonidae (South American freshwater stingrays) is not covered since these species do not enter the fin trade. For those proposals covered, information presented focuses on the primary fins traded (i.e., first dorsal fin, pectoral fins, and caudal fin). Visual identification of these fins has been key in ensuring the implementation of previous shark and ray listings. In fact, capacity building of customs officials through training on visual identification of these fins has enabled the effective enforcement of trade controls. It is therefore important to ensure that any future listings can be effectively implemented by customs officials. Overall, a review of key morphological characteristics used to identify fins to the species level suggests that many fins are indistinguishable between species and that a family level listing is likely more appropriate for ease of implementation.
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